Design Guidelines
Macquarie University Property

Public spaces


The Public Domain and the landscape quality of the Macquarie University Campus are key elements of the University's point of difference.

General Design Requirements

All spaces are to be designed to meet the requirements of the relevant building regulations.

All spaces are to be designed to provide a considered and consistent approach to spaces that strengthens the Campus feel.

Specific Design Requirements

Public Spaces and Public Domain are spaces provide a connection between the various buildings, services and functions on the campus and will include:

  • Connection to the surrounding public environment, including opportunities for place making and clearly defined campus entries.
  • Provide clearly defined entry pathways through the campus.
  • Enhance connections between formal and informal functional spaces.
  • Support the hub and spoke principle campus connections.
  • Enhance the visual and spatial campus links.


Below are the Gateways and primary spaces that are identified within the MQU Concept Master Plan.


Campus EdgesGatewaysPrimary Spaces
Edge MarkersBalaclava Road GatewayWalleys WalkThe Central CourtyardMars Creek

Gymnasium Road GatewayMacquarie WalkThe University CommonUniversity Creek

Talavera Road GatewaySir Christopher Ondaatje AvenueThe Library Forecourt

Arts Lawn (West Common)

The Grove (East Common)

Design Planning

Refer to the Macquarie University Campus Master Plan for detailed information on the locations and types of residential accommodation to be provided as part of any design.

Existing Service

The following are existing student support service functions that currently exist on the campus.


Campus Wellbeing Medical Services (GP Clinic)

We provide a wide range of GP services with particular focus on students health, during business hours. We are also the first aid centre for the University and are well equipped to treat minor accidents and emergencies.

Chiropractic Clinics

We utilise spinal adjustments, manipulations and tools such as x-rays and other physical means to diagnose and treat body structures in the restoration and maintenance of health. Our Outpatient Clinics & Research Centres are located in a range of sites throughout the Sydney Metro.

Cognition Clinic for Reading

We provide research-based assessments and intervention for children with reading and spelling difficulties, and professional development for teachers and clinicians supporting children with poor reading and spelling.

Emotional Health Clinic

The emotional wellbeing of you and your family is our priority. We offer state of the art assessment and treatment for anxiety and related disorders across the life span. All of our treatments are based on cutting edge research by internationally renowned academics and clinicians.

Psychology Clinic (formerly Rod Power Psychology Clinic)

Offers specialised best practice services to the community including therapy for children and adults, testing for educational purposes, neuropsychological assessment and career assessments.

Speech and Hearing Clinic

We offer best practice, independent hearing assessment and speech pathology services for all ages. Our audiology services include hearing aids selection, hearing rehabilitation and diagnosis and management of auditory processing disorders. We also offer effective speech services to clients who have difficulties with speech, stuttering, language, literacy, voice, and accents.