Design Guidelines
Macquarie University Property


The design of Water Services is to be in accordance with relevant Australian standards and the MQP Hydraulic Design Standards.


The following components are to be assessed by the designer with consideration to individual space types.

Potable Cold Water

Potable cold water systems are to be designed to convey water to fixtures and fittings from the onsite water reticulation system.

All pipework must be concealed where possible inground, in accessible ducts and ceiling spaces, and feature isolation valves in accessible locations for maintenance. Isolation is to be provided at each wet area group.

Minimum water supply pressure to any fixture is to be 200 kPa

Potable Hot / Warm Water

Potable hot water is to be provided to Space Type from local or central hot water generation plant.

All pipework must be concealed where possible inground, in accessible ducts and ceiling spaces, and feature isolation valves in accessible locations for maintenance. Isolation is to be provided at each wet area group.

Maximum hot water dead leg is 6m. Flow and return

Non-Potable Water

Water Supply to PC1 & PC2 Laboratories is to feature high hazard backflow protection. Water supply downstream of backflow prevention device shall be classed non-potable.

Designer is to consider means to prevent cross connections with potable and non potable water supplies.

Consider the use of captured rainwater for flushing and irrigation.

Water Other

RO Water

Consult with MUP personnel and Space Type Users to determine RO Water requirements.

Purified Water

Consult with MUP personnel and Space Type Users to determine Purified Water requirements.

Deionised Water

Consult with MUP personnel and Space Type Users to determine Deionised Water requirements.