Design Guidelines
Macquarie University Property

Acoustic Requirements


Control of noise and sound transfer are important factors in the establishing of high-quality functional spaces for the delivering of education across the Macquarie University Campus.

Construction Works on Existing Campus

The university campus continues to function throughout the year and all projects are to be undertaken in a way to maintain continuing building operation and limit impact on the continuing functions, with respect to both noise and services. More sensitive periods are during graduations and exams, the details of which can be obtained from Macquarie University Property (MQP).

Any construction works to existing buildings is to be designed and undertaken so as to limit the impact on the existing and continuing functions of adjacent areas of the building, particularly with respect to noise and services interruption.

Acoustics Design Guidelines

These Guidelines details on the method of determining the appropriate acoustic performance if internal spaces and acoustic separation that is required between spaces for all areas of the Macquarie University Campus.The National Construction Code (NCC)/Building Council of Australia (BCA) also requires acoustic separation between various spaces and these minimum requirements are to be met or exceeded.

Further information